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Praise the Lord! God is good!Victory Sunday started off in a great way. 17 of the 30 souls who obeyed the Gospel during the week were present, while others had reasons to be out. The total attendance was 213. This is the most this congregation has seen in their building for a worship service in many years. The congregation here is very loving and is determined to do all they can do to keep these souls close to the Lord.
Team assignments Donna and Ruby making sure all elements of a successful team are present.
Mikayla Mitchell and Zach Baird were to more young people of the congregation who had been taught well by the congregation. After Jim Hayes presented the Gospel to them, they both decided to obey it, and did so before church services even started.
Carla Carlisle was invited to lunch by Bonita House (local). Carla is a very good friend of Chanda Schwartz, so after lunch Chanda and Shri-Lahn Newman (cadre) took her aside and presented the Gospel to her. She clearly saw what she needed to do, so she put on Christ in baptism.
Misti Bowen was a referral from someone as one who needed groceries. The team of Tommy and Bebie Key (cadre) and Chanda Shwartz (local) went to take her groceries. Betty had been in town one week. She was staying with her aunt, but had no other family or friends here. Bebie got into a Gospel Presentation with Misti. Misti was from a low church background but she could readily see the difference in what she had done and what the Bible said, so she was ready to obey the Gospel right away.
Jimmy Baird is also a young man of the congregation. His parents and others in the congregation had played a large part in teaching him how to walk with Jesus. Bill Oden (cadre) and Daryl Ward (local) presented the Gospel to him and he was convinced that that is what he needed to do.
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Early in the week the team of Jack Rich (cadre) Joe Wilson (cadre), and Bonita House (local) knocked on Bobby and Sharon Henley's door. They presented the Gospel to both of them and Sharon immediately wanted to obey it. She did so, but Bobby wanted to wait and think about it. Finally on Saturday evening he decided it was time to obey and came to the building to do so.
The team of George and Betty Vinson (cadre) and Arvia Willingham (out of town worker) knocked on Betty Jordy's door. They presented the Gospel to her and she was ready to obey the Gospel.
The team of Shri-Lahn Newman (cadre), Elam Miles (local) and LaDora Kline knocked on the door of Anthony Bosquez. He was very receptive to the Gospel presentation and understood that his baptism was not for the right reason, so he came to the building to obey the Gospel.
Lou Guglielmoni (cadre) had been visiting with Lisa Kolb and her mother, Bonnie Kolb. Lisa made the comment that she had been baptised as a child, but didn't really understand what it was all about. Lou then presented the Gospel to her and she could see what it was all about and now understood it. She came to obey the Gospel and begin a new life.
Tommy and Bebie Key (cadre) and Patsy Ward (local) went to visit Patsy's sister, Melody Fry, who had been baptised as a very young child and did not fully realize what she was baptised for. Tommy presented the Gospel to her and she realized that she needed to obey the Gospel. Many happy tears were shed as she put her Lord on in baptism.
Daniel Valencia was another person who was referred by someone as needing food. The team of Lou Guglielmoni (cadre), Patsy Ward (local), and Michael Dalton (local) went to his house to deliver a box of food. Patsy asked him the question and then presented the Gospel to him. He said he had been wanting to be baptised and was ready to obey the Gospel.
Melissa Davis is a friend of Shanda Schwartz, a local member. Chanda took Reggie Gardner (cadre) and Hank Davis (cadre) to her door and began visiting with her and her husband, Chad, There were many distractions that prevented a Gospel presentation right then so they invited them to come to the building and eat supper. They came to eat and Reggie asked if he could share his story with them. However Reggie had to go to another appointment, so he got Harold and Roberta Neely (cadre) and Kathy Walzel (local) to share the story with them. She was searching for the truth. She was ready to obey, but she wanted her husband to obey with her. They came in to listen to the sermon and she listened intently. After the sermon, Roberta told her that she could take the lead; she did not have to wait on her husband, so she decided to obey the Gospel right then.
Brittney Cisneroz is a member here but had not been living her life the way Christ wanted her to. After studying with Ruby Oden (cadre) she was convicted in her heart and asked for the prayers of the elders to be restored to her first love.
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The team of Shri-Lahn Newman (cadre), Hank Davis (cadre), and Michael Dalton (local) knocked on the door of George Montelongo Flores. He was very receptive to the Gospel and was ready to obey it.
Julian Martinez had his door knocked by Mickael Moore (cadre), Jean Terry (cadre) and Don Mitchel (out of town worker) he was very courteous. Mickael presented the Gospel and he wanted to obey, but he had to go to work and didn't feel he would have time. Mickael convinced him he had time to obey the Gospel and promised to get him there on time. Got him into the water, into Christ, back out into the car and went home rejoicing. After obeying the Gospel he told Mickael, "this is great. "Maybe God was hearing my prayers. I've been asking for help and he sent you guys." Then he asked, "So God can hear my prayers now?" Mickael told him yes, God could now hear his prayers.
Ernest McGary is a special person. His story involved many people. The team of Judith Mackey (cadre), Joe Ferguson (cadre) and James Spruell (local) knocked on his door. When they asked if he knew anyone who needed food, he said he didn't. They presented the Gospel to him, but he did not respond to it. Later the team of Kay Wilson (cadre), Dave Telgren (cadre), and Fred Kramer (local) got Ernest's name as a referral from another person as someone who might need food. That team went to see him and offered him the box of groceries and he took it. They also invited him to come eat supper with us, which he did. The next day Kay Wilson (cadre), Joe Wilson (cadre), and Arvie Willingham (out of town worker) went back to the area, stopped by his house and invited him to lunch. When they got to the building they presented the Gospel again using the Gospel Illustrated. He then responded and obeyed the Gospel.
On Sunday morning when the cadre was introducing themselves to the congregation, Arvia Willingham (out of town worker) gave his name. Edith Gibbard (local) told him later that she had Willinghams in her background. She asked him to go visit her husband, Bill Gibbard, who had never obeyed the Gospel. He kept telling her he would do so before he passed away, but no one had convinced him to do so. Arvia went out with George and Betty Vinson (cadre), went in and announced to Bill, "I'm your cousin." They presented the Gospel to him, but he did not respond. He told them he wanted to be baptised in a dirt tank and he wanted Tom, his son-in-law, to baptise him. His wife told the team later that they had moved him closer than he had ever been. The next day Arvia and Joe and Kay Wilson (cadre) were in that area so they stopped by to see Bill. They again encouraged him to obey the Gospel. He said he wanted it private and wanted Tom to do it. When they told him that could be arranged he was willing to come and obey the Gospel. Edith said she had been waiting 58 years for this day, so she was rejoicing greatly.
Tommy Key (cadre), Joe Ferguson (cadre), and Patsy Ward (local) found several men working outside their home. They left food and set up an appointment to come back and share the Gospel. When they went back the men and their wives were waiting for them and had chairs arranged for them to sit in. Five people were waiting to hear the Gospel. All were very interested in what was being said. The father of the group was from the high church background and he said there was no way he could depart from this because his father would start World War III with him if he did. However, the two ladies, Lupe Martinez and Sandra Martinez, were wanting to obey the Gospel and they came to the building to do so.
Debora Newell had been to many different churches. She had been praying that God would help her find direction for her life and show her what church to go to. She had told God, "Whoever you send, I will listen to." The team of Mickael Moore (cadre), Jean Terry (cadre), and Don Mitchell (out of town worker) presented the Gospel to her and she commented, "This is the first time someone has sat down with me and showed me what God said I had to do. Instead of someone just telling me what I have to do, you actually showed me what I have to do." She had tears in her eyes and said, "I am so grateful God has finally answered my prayers. Her daughter was also in on the presentation and is thinking about what she needs to do. Prayers are that she will be moved to obey soon.
Jean Ables (local) introduced Rosalinda Olvera to Marco Senoret. They went to her house to talk to her. Rosalinda was extremely strong in her religious belief. She was sprinkled as a baby. She is in love with the Lord and trusts him. She has focused on raising her children and has taught them God's word.
When Marco Senoret (cadre), Bobby Suniga (local), and Nancy Barnes (cadre) knocked the door of Isabell Vasquez she immediately told them to come on in. Her heart was ready and she opened her heart and mind to the Gospel which Marco presented She understood it and was comparing what she did with what the Bible said. At the end she was ready to obey the Gospel.
When Dewayne Smith (cadre), Jim Newman (cadre), and Patsy Ward (local) went to the house of Victor Bostick and LeAnn McGehee the were ready to go out. Dewayne asked if they had any needs and they told them they were going to the pantry to get groceries. The team gave them a box of groceries and they were delighted to get it. Dewayne then asked them the question. They were very interested but had another appointment at that time. They came to the building and ate lunch and set a time for a gospel presentation. The Gospel Illustrated was used. Victor was very moved and saw the need to obey the Gospel and were ready to obey. They also saw that they needed to get married Since they were committed to getting married they went ahead and obeyed the Gospel. They went the next day to get their license and are planning a wedding to be held very soon.
The team of Bebie Key (cadre), Daryl Ward (local), and Jack Owen (cadre) found Malinda Sims, according to Bebie, "practically waiting at the door." She told them she was wanting to be baptised so Bebie presented the Gospel to her. She was ready to obey the Gospel and when she found out she could do it right then she said, "Oh, good!"
The team of Jack Rich (cadre) Joe Wilson (cadre), and Bonita House (local) knocked on Sharon Henley's door. She and her husband had not been attending church anywhere for awhile. She admitted that she missed being in church. Jack presented the Gospel to her and she could readily see the difference in what she had done before and what the Bible was telling her to do, so they came immediately so she could obey the Gospel.
Juan Martinez was sitting across the street from the house Michael Moore (cadre), Jean Terry (cadre), and Adam Elliott (out of town) were knocking. He called out to them that no one was home. Of course, to Michael, that was saying, "Here am I, talk to me!" Michael told him, "Well, we will just come bug you." They went over and presented the Gospel and when he read Acts 22:16 he said, "Okay" and came to the building to obey the Gospel.
The team of Bebie Key (cadre), Daryl Ward (local), and Jack Owen (cadre) knocked on the door of Heath Prichard. Heath told them he had prayed that morning and 20 minutes they showed up at his door. He couldn't study right then, so they went back that afternoon and he was ready to accept the Gospel and obey it. Heath had had some personal problems in his life recently and he is hoping that he can change some situations now that God is with him.
Benji Switzer obeyed the Gospel Sunday afternoon. Brian is a counselor at New Horizons, a rehabilitation facility in town that houses children who have been through the CPS system. The church here has several members who work there, including the chaplain, Aubrey Rogers. Aubrey began talking with Benji about spiritual matters, and Sunday afternoon he presented the Gospel to Benji . Benji accepted God's word and obeyed it.
Terri Rhea is a lady who has had some problem in her life lately. She was not getting much support from the church where she had been attending. She runs a day care in town and the parents of one of the children there, Les and Beverly Garrett, invited her to come to church here with them. She had been coming for awhile and last week the preacher here, Jim Hays, asked if she wanted to talk. She replied that she really felt at home here and needed to know what to do to be a Christian. Jim presented the Gospel to her and she was ready to obey. However, she wanted to do it Sunday morning so everyone here would see that she was now added to the church. So, first thing, before the preaching even started, she put on Christ in baptism.
February 19 Friday 6:30 PM the Campaign begins, Chuck Thompson sets the tone for the campaign. The local congregation has showed up with a good number of support and enthusiasm for the first night. Jim Smith starts off tonight’s meeting with an introduction to the Salvation Highway with Bill and Ruby Odem demonstrating the Gospel Illustrated. The demonstration is very affective and the congregation was following very intently with their own copy of the Gospel Illustrated. The congregation is eager to get started tomorrow morning and will begin with breakfast at 7:30 AM.
The campaign in Goldthwaite took off (almost literally!) Saturday morning in a cold, fierce wind. Twelve teams went out with a local member on every team, and some had two locals on them. This congregation is very committed to finding the lost of the community and presenting the Gospel to them. Several presentations were held and more were set up for later. No one obeyed the Gospel that day, but Sunday saw the result of the training and teaching that had taken place before the campaign even began.